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We stand behind noac.

We are, think, live start-up. And yet we are different. Thanks to decades of experience and tailor-made expertise, we have already successfully made a difference in medical technology.

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Sabrina Hellstern

CEO, Founder

Corporate thinker and chief strategist with infectious optimism. Infected with leadership and innovative spirit. Things never move fast enough for her. She thinks and speaks loudly - in solutions.

Claudia Sodha

CFO, Founder

Generalist with the comprehensive skills to build and grow a company. Leverages her analytical and technical expertise to turn visionary ideas into reality and revolutionize robotic surgery. Pioneering the future of intelligent surgery. Inventor of the RoboCockpit noac. Master’s degrees in economics and engineering.

Harald Rager

CTO, Founder

He doesn't shoot himself to the moon. He is the rocket in the development of life-tech. Dipl. Ing. Mechanical Engineering (FH). His designs are already flying in series production.

Alexander Strobel

CIO, Founder

The A-Team personified. Techie, innovator - but not a nerd. Dipl. Ing. Information Technology. Technical business economist. Has helicopter vision in the development of life-saving products.

Felix Neunhöffer

Chief Medical Officer, Founder

Intensive with heart - also in his research. PD Dr. Pediatric intensive care physician, cardiologist and senior physician. His ideas keep us awake. The Gyro Gearloose of medicine with a look into little patients' eyes.

Martin Schuhmann

Chief Medical Officer, Founder

The Brain. Looks not only patients in the head, but also colleagues. A man of conviction in pain. Simply professional - you would have your children operated on by him. Prof. Dr. Neurosurgery and Senior Consultant.


Sabrina Hellstern knows how surgeons suffer.

Back office
Petra Constantin

office management

Simon Grund

Project Management, RA

Our advisory board.

dr Helmut Scherer

Chief Technology Officer at Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH

dr Christiane Zedelius

Partner at Dentons, attorney specializing in distribution and commercial law

Immanuel Böker

freelance consultant social responsibility

dr Walter G. wobble

former CEO at Retina Implant

Ralph Jacoby

Founder and Board of Directors

Jacoby & Cie. AG and Managing Partner of JF
Mittelstandspartner GmbH

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